Why become a P&C Member

Being a member of the P&C is about being involved in your school community.  Your level of involvement is up to you, it can be as little or as much as you want. Parents as partners in the education process, have a right and a responsibility to play an active role in the education of their children. The P&C Federations states that “As P&C Association members, parents, carers, and citizens it is vital we place our children’s education at the forefront, being a voice for continual quality and improvement in public education to ensure the best possible outcome is achieved for our children and our nation’s future.”

  • You’ll gain insight into the process and workings of the P&C

  • You’ll get the opportunity to have your say and make suggestions

  • Rewarding, great friendships, community

Why we would love as many of our community as possible to become P&C Members

The larger cohort of members we are able to gain from our school community will greatly impact our ability to effectively represent our children.

Engaged P&C members in strong numbers will give us the best opportunity for us to combine expertise and resources to share the load, resulting in greater output and success.

Membership of P&C associations is open to all members of the school community: parents, teachers and citizens.

The Coogee Public School P&C Association membership fee is $1 and can be easily paid on Flexischools in the FEES section.

Members can participate in the democratic decision making processes of a P&C Association, hold an office or be on the Executive Committee

You do not need to be a member of the P&C to attend P&C meetings, or to volunteer with P&C, School or class activities, however there are many benefits to you as an individual and to our school community collectively to become a member.

Who is eligible to be a member of our P&C Association?

• All parents and guardians of students enrolled at the school.

• All citizens within the school community.

• The Principal of the school, or the Principal’s nominee, shall be a member, ex officio, of the P&C Association and its sub-committees.

• School staff may become members of the P&C Association.

• Employees of the P&C Association can be a member; however, they will need to understand the Conflict of Interests and be aware of potential conflicts when attending and participating in a meeting.

Find out more about our P&C Meetings, held on the second Tuesday of every month during term.

Find out more about holding an office with the P&C.