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The Sustainability Committee is a group of parents who recognise the importance of our environment and aim to educate and empower students to make decisions that reduce our ecological footprint through adopting sustainable practices at school and in our everyday lives. The Committee delivers activities and projects that aim to minimise waste sent to landfill, reduce electricity and water usage, and create biologically diverse areas at the school that increase native habitat and connect our students to nature.

 Sustainability Saturday

Saturday 30th November 2024

The CPS P&C Sustainability team is putting on a special day of activities as part of our sustainable lifestyles.

Activities for the day will include:

  • 2-4pm Toy and book swap - give new life to old toys! Read below for more details.

  • 2-4pm Uniform shop - bring your second-hand summer wardrobe up to date! Open from 2-4pm for donations and purchases.

Toy and Book Swap, 2pm in the School Hall

Give old toys and books a new life. Sell to or swap with other school kids.

How it works:  
Each family gets a space (table or rug) to display their toys and books. Toys and books  should be marked with a value tag, of $1, $2, $5, $10 and further increments of $5. The idea  is that kids walk around and look for other toys they would like, and then offer the seller something of theirs. If a deal can’t be struck, toys can be purchased with actual money with  parents/carers brokering the deal. Don’t forget to bring cash! Gold coins and low value notes. The seller has the final say on any deal.

How to book a space:  
Request a table on the flexischools App. Space is limited so book early! We need to know numbers in advance, so please book ahead and make sure you can come on the day. Please no dropping off toys or kids- please stay and supervise- you can pack up before 4pm if you have done enough business!

What can you bring?

  • Please only bring clean, working toys that you think will sell

  • Clearly state minor issues on a note attached to the toy, e.g. barbie missing a shoe, one car light doesn’t work

  • You don’t need to supply batteries but it may help show off your toy

  • Books and book sets

How to price your toys:  
Price to sell. Cheap prices will help you sell/swap unused toys, and you can also get some great deals on other toys.

How to label:
value-related colour labels will be available from [the school office]. If you need missing item tags these will be available on the day. Label all your toys before the big day; bring your spare labels to the event, in case any fall off in transit. More labels will be available on the day.

[Red = $1] [Yellow = $2] [Green = $5] [Blue = $10] [White - write on $ divisible by 5]

Alternatively, group your $1 toys and books and write a big “$1” A4 sign by the  toys; do the same for $2 toys, $5 toys etc.

How to swap or buy:
Kids have a look around at other stalls and mates, kind toys they’d like, then ask the seller to come and look at their toys. Ideally the kids find something to swap. Parents/carers please help them if they need it. If they can’t make a swap, its okay to pay cash for items.

At the end:
Please take all your new and old toys and books home with you! We don’t want anything left over in the hall. There will be bins for rubbish, but please don’t put unwanted toys in them. We are looking for partners to whom we could donate our unwanted toys and will announce details closer to the event date.

If you have any questions please email Garry Martin at

 Gardening Bees

Spring Tidy Up Working Bee:
Saturday 30th November, 1pm to 3pm

Parents, Carers and kids are invited to come along for the P&C Term 3 Working 🐝at  1-3pm on Saturday 30th November.

Many hands make light work. Please byo gloves and any gardening equipment. Parents and carers will be responsible for supervising their own kids.

Get Coogee Public looking clean and green for Spring - please sign up here:

 Bird Sanctuary Garden at Coogee Public School

Coogee Public School has built a new bird sanctuary garden on campus!

The school received a $5,000 grant from Randwick Council Environmental Schools Grant Program in 2021 to create a sustainable garden with irrigation and native plants. The aim of the project was to establish habitat in an urban setting for small native birds like the superb fairy-wren and the New Holland honeyeater.

Image of a honeyeater

The native bird sanctuary will offer environmental benefits to local wildlife by providing native bird habitat for small birds, increasing bird habitat connectivity as the habitat as this garden will provide a link to the Baker Park green space nearby on Carr Street.

The project also:

  1. Increases education and awareness at the school community about native birds, their habitat and how to contribute to a healthy garden where birds can thrive.

  2. Employs sustainable garden design to reduce the school's impact on climate change

  3. Links to the school syllabus

  4. Provides a long-term observation opportunity for the school to monitor bird population and diversity over time


Our habitat corridors are extremely fragmented making it hard for wildlife to move around to feed and reproduce. Our small birds like the superb fairy-wren and the New Holland honeyeater are now confined to the coastal reserves and rarely seen in our gardens. Private gardens hold the key for reconnecting habitat and creating a healthy thriving neighbourhood.

These species are still common in the Randwick Council area, but their presence has fallen in dense urban areas due to lack of habitat, reduced connectivity between habitats, and the introduction of invasive species, like the Indian Myna.

What did we do?

The Bird Sanctuary Garden was designed with sustainable principles, including sustainable wood frames that last for 30 years, irrigation for watering which reduces evaporation, and native plants to attract native birds. Then students from kindy to year 6 students, parents and teachers participated in a few gardening bees to plant a variety of native plants.

Want to learn more?

To learn more about native birds and how we can support their habitat, check out these links:


Ready to start counting bird populations?

Taking part in the Aussie Backyard Bird Count is easy! Just spend 20 minutes in your favourite outdoor space and tell us about the birds you see during that period. You can submit your results using the Aussie Bird Count app from the App store or Google Play. Every count helps!

Want to design a bird sanctuary in your backyard?

 Get Involved

Ask a question or join our Sustainability Committee by completing the form below