Upcoming events

Welcome Back BBQ
The Welcome Back BBQ is a community event run by the P&C in collaboration with the Coogee Care Centre. Food purchases will be available on the day via Eftpos.

P&C AGM & General Meeting
All members of the school community are welcome to attend in person in the library or via Teams. The AGM starts at 6pm and a General meeting will follow. All P&C positions will be declared vacant at the start of the meeting, if you wish to nominate for any position or to be a member of the P&C Executive, please email secretary@coogeepandc.org.au

Term 2 Working Bee
Getting the grounds ready for our children and teachers at the beginning of each term has become a tradition, you don’t even need to have a green thumb to lend a hand!

P&C General Meeting (Term 2, Week 3)
We’re excited to meet new parents and re-connect with old ones over cheese and wine. Can’t join in person? Join on MS Teams.

Mothers’ & Carers’ Day Stall
Stalls will be set up with appropriate and gorgeous gifts at price points of $5 and $10 for students to purchase for their loved ones.

P&C General Meeting (Term 2, Week 8)
We’re excited to meet new parents and re-connect with old ones over cheese and wine. Can’t join in person? Join on MS Teams.

Term 3 Working Bee
Getting the grounds ready for our children and teachers at the beginning of each term has become a tradition, you don’t even need to have a green thumb to lend a hand!

P&C General Meeting (Term 3, Week 3)
We’re excited to meet new parents and re-connect with old ones over cheese and wine. Can’t join in person? Join on MS Teams.

P&C General Meeting (Term 3, Week 8)
We’re excited to meet new parents and re-connect with old ones over cheese and wine. Can’t join in person? Join on MS Teams.

Fathers’ & Carers’ Day Stall
Stalls will be set up with appropriate and gorgeous gifts at price points of $5 and $10 for students to purchase for their loved ones.

Kindergarten 2026 Orientation (1st session)
Dates to be confirmed and more info to come…

Term 4 Working Bee
Getting the grounds ready for our children and teachers at the beginning of each term has become a tradition, you don’t even need to have a green thumb to lend a hand!

Kindergarten 2026 Orientation (2nd session)
Dates to be confirmed and more info to come…

P&C General Meeting (Term 4, Week 3)
We’re excited to meet new parents and re-connect with old ones over cheese and wine. Can join in person? Join on MS Teams.

Kindergarten 2026 Orientation (3rd session)
Dates to be confirmed and more info to come…

P&C General Meeting (Term 4, Week 8)
We’re excited to meet new parents and re-connect with old ones over cheese and wine. Can’t join in person? Join on MS Teams.

P&C General Meeting
We’re excited to meet new parents and re-connect with old ones over cheese and wine. Can join in person? Join on MS Teams.

Term 1 Gardening Bee
Getting the grounds ready for our children and teachers at the beginning of each term has become a tradition, you don’t even need to have a green thumb to lend a hand!