Class Lists Coogee Public 2023 - Years K-6

To be included in class lists for 2023, you need to complete the online form below, even if you have shared your contact details in previous years. Your details will be used by the P&C to email our new P&C Parent Buzz, and for your class WhatsApp group.

The school and P&C encourage parents and carers in the school community to share their name and contact details to enable Class Lists to be compiled and circulated among the families in each child's class and school year.  

Class Lists are great for organising class activities, arranging play dates and getting to know the other families in your child's year.  From 2023, Class Parent information will be sent via Meta WhatsApp mobile app.

Parents provide the P&C with their contact information for the sole purposes of communicating class activities, promoting friendships between classmates and their families, encouraging fundraising support, communicating information about school and P&C activities and/or promoting participation in school and P&C events.

The contact provided should be the same contact provided to the school for your child as per Coogee Public School policy.  We allow only two contacts per child, and these two primary contacts are responsible for forwarding any required information received in class parent information to individuals within their family.  By providing your contact details, you are agreeing to the Coogee Public P&C Email Code of Conduct, set out below (and also available on the P&C's website), for the duration of the child/children's attendance at Coogee Public School.

It is unacceptable for parent contact information to be used to promote/advertise private business, raise personal issues/concerns that should be addressed to or by the school, promote political or religious views or agendas or forward jokes, chain-mail or other spam.

If you would like to discuss this further or would like to report abuse of parent emails, please email our Class Parent Coordinator at

Please note: To be included in class lists for 2023, you will need to complete the online form below, even if you have shared your contact details previously.